The CATE community is comprised of Volunteers, Members, Scholars, Fellows, and Intercessors. In addition to these there are staff and associated service partners who work with the CATE Centre to further the cause of teaching and learning that leads to transformation.


The primary way in which the general public supports the CATE Centre is through voluntary assistance. The CATE Centre itself does not offer educational services, but rather finds ways to support those who do. Volunteers help host events, publicize activities (e.g., through Facebook posts), raise funds, and perform a variety of administrative services.


The Society is comprised of individuals who affirm support for the CATE Centre’s vision, values, and conviction that the Bible, as interpreted by the historic orthodox Christian community, is the final authority for truth and living. Each one must also be active in a local Christian church and demonstrate a record of interest in or support for transformational education, as promoted by the CATE Centre. At the annual meeting of the membership, the members, by simple majority vote, select a Facilitator to coordinate and organize activities and a Council to assist the Facilitator. The members also make changes to the bylaws, approve the annual budget, endorse a roster of activities, and appoint Scholars and Fellows.


One of the goals of the Centre is to undertake and promote research related to the theory or practice of some aspect of transformational education. With this in mind, the Centre invites graduate level students who are members of the CATE Centre to apply for “scholar” status in the Centre. As such the Centre will seek to help in the following ways:

  1. The identification of research topics
  2. The gaining of access to a particular research site
  3. The provision of logistical and financial support (if available) for field work related to the transformational education research project
  4. The assigning of a mentor
  5. The creation of an online (and possibly offline) platform for the publishing of the findings

The scholar status is for a set period of time usually extending from admission to a research degree program until the project is completed and the degree awarded. In all cases the status will not extend beyond 5 years for a master’s level degree and 7 years for a doctoral degree.


A research fellow in the CATE Centre is a position reserved for those who are engaged in pure or applied research in an area of interest to the CATE Centre. Typically, the individual holding this position has completed a PhD or two Master’s level graduate degrees. In exceptional cases equivalent work experience of at least 20 years is accepted in lieu of degrees. In such cases, the person holding this position is designated an Honorary Fellow of the CATE Centre. A research fellow remains active in research and writing, either at the request of the CATE Centre or in independent research of interest to CATE.


The Society exists to advance the cause of a type of education that is truly and holistically transformational. Because such a cause ultimately taps the core of the human being which is spiritual, this requires divine empowerment and blessing. Even if the Centre’s efforts in the pursuit of this cause achieve a certain notoriety and even popularity, we recognize that the actual work of holistic transformation takes place as God enters into our work at our invitation. God has declared that He is found by those who seek Him and that He chooses to align His work in mysterious ways to our prayers. The divine wisdom, insight, perseverance, grace, courage, and skill those involved in transformational education need, comes through a reliance on Him who has chosen to further His purposes and plans through prayer.


All staff are members of the Centre. Those who are paid are typically on loan to the Centre from a collegial, participating, or sponsoring agency.

Service partners

CCEM logoCanadian Christian Education Movement
Helping churches, parents, and educators in Canada provide resources and educational initiatives in their communities.