ThGod Churchillis book written by a great-grandson of Churchill was a great reminder of how God can use a single teacher to influence the world through a loving investment in the life of a single student. Mrs. Elizabeth Everest, Churchill's nanny was the only one from his home who visited Winston during his 11 years in residential school from age 7. She was described as a "... passionate woman of prayer" who taught Winston well by helping him memorize Scripture, kneeling with him to recite his daily prayers and explaining the world to him "in simple but distinctly Christian terms. Her role in the formation of Churchill's worldview was still evident later in his life when he often paraphrased or quoted Bible passages in his speeches. Even in seasons of doubt, he instinctively saw through eyes formed with a biblical outlook. This is why he could inspire hope, call for strength and faith, and most importantly grasp the true meaning of Nazism and its threat to civilization."

Transformed teachers transform students who transform the world.