A research fellow in the CATE Centre is a position reserved for those who are engaged in pure or applied research in an area of interest to the CATE Centre. Typically, the individual holding this position has completed a PhD or two Master’s level graduate degrees. In exceptional cases equivalent work experience of at least 20 years is accepted in lieu of degrees. In such cases, the person holding this position is designated an Honorary Fellow of the CATE Centre. A research fellow remains active in research and writing, either at the request of the CATE Centre or in independent research of interest to CATE.
Harold Klassen has undergraduate degrees from Ambrose University (a.k.a., Canadian Bible College, BRE) and Simon Fraser University (BSc in Chemical Physics with a teaching credential). Following two years of teaching in the public education system in Canada, his wife Betty and he joined TeachBeyond (formerly Janz Team) and relocated to Black Forest Academy, Germany. Harold served initially in various school-based capacities, first as a teacher, and subsequently as a librarian, computer technician, and high school principal. He completed a M.Sc. in Education from Cairn University in 2003.
From 1998 to the present he has been an educational consultant, mentor and lecturer working with teachers and organizations in 20 countries worldwide. His writings have been translated into Chinese and Spanish and used in many countries where he has helped local Christians introduce and develop transformational Christian education. His website, Transforming Teachers, which is integrated with and supported by the CATE Centre, is one of the largest in the field and regularly consulted by scholars and practitioners around the world.
His ongoing consulting and coaching work, as well as his academic interests, remain focused on furthering a Biblically based educational theory and practice which explores how God reveals Himself and His ways in the Bible and in His world so that people can flourish by knowing God the Father through Jesus Christ, becoming like Jesus through the indwelling Spirit and serving others as stewards of God’s world and gifts.
Dr. Cheryl A. Bostrom is the Director of Higher Education Program Development and Innovation with TeachBeyond and a member of the Christians Advancing Transformational Education Council. Cheryl holds degrees in teaching, educational leadership, and educational psychology, and she is licensed as a K-12 principal and K-12 English as an additional language teacher. She has been teaching and advising students in four programs at Bethel University since 2007, and recently she began advising students at Dallas Baptist University.
Cheryl’s research interests include English language learning, culturally valid assessment, e-learning, teacher education, educational leadership, intercultural communication, and diffusion of internationalization. She has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Studies in International Education and the Global Partners in Education Journal.
Dr. Vaughan received her B.A. in Religion and Secondary Education from Wake Forest University, her M.Ed. in Elementary Education from the University of Florida, and her Ph.D. in Child Development and Family Relations from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. She is a certified C.OM.P. (Creating Conditions for Learning) trainer with Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, certified as a presenter for Godly Play, and Mel Levine’s All School Attuned Program for students with learning difficulties. Her past research interests focused on the education of students with emotional handicaps and behavior disorders, post-abortion syndrome, classical education, and wilderness therapy for behavior disorders. Her extensive frontline experience with students includes roles as a parent, teacher, Head of School, counselor, Middle School Sunday school teacher, Girl Scout leader, Bible study leader for youth, and 15 years of consulting in K-12 schools globally.
Dr. Vaughan is currently investigating the ways in which teachers and students can participate in the Holy Spirit’s work of transformation in an educational setting. Her immediate projects include an articulation of a theory of transformation and a study of why transformation occurs and doesn’t occur, particularly in the lives of children with a Christian heritage.
George Durance is CATE’s Facilitator. He also serves as President of Gateway Global Foundation, which seeks to support CATE and other worthy educational projects around the world (www.gatewayglobal.foundation). After teaching in a public high school, he served 12 years at Black Forest Academy, Germany (Social Studies, Principal, Director), 12 years at Ambrose University, Calgary and 12 years at TeachBeyond. He remains President Emeritus of both Ambrose and TeachBeyond. His academic training is in Biblical studies, history, and education – disciplines which continue to shape his thinking and activities. He earned his PhD at Durham University.
George has traveled extensively to help build supporting organizational structures for transformational Christian education. Both his administrative and academic work grow out of a conviction that God is using education in a distinct way to build His church. He is particularly interested in working with those exploring the dynamic role of visionary-missional-transformative-Christocentric education in post Christian, secular cultures.